Celebration cake – making a wedding cake

Around about the middle of 2019 my son and his wife to be asked me if I would make their wedding cake. Or rather to be completely clear would I make their wedding cakes … all four of them!

This felt like a blessing and a curse. On the one hand, I was touched and flattered they would put their confidence and trust in me to make the cakes, for their once in a lifetime special day. On the other hand it filled me with dread. I had never made a wedding cake, let alone four wedding cakes in one go, nor had I ever made a cake for such public viewing and public consumption.

Thankfully my son and his fiance were pretty clear about the designs they wanted and over the next month or so I made a series of ‘test’ cakes to determine different flavours for each of the cakes. Once the flavours were settled on, it was pretty much a case of getting on and doing it nearer the time. It wasn’t really practical for to bake any additional ‘test cakes’.  The flavours were red velvet, chocolate orange, lemon and elderflower and vanilla.

On reflection I think having done the initial test cakes and then being really clear about flavours and design was hugely helpful and it’s  something that I would definitely recommend.

After that it was really a case of careful preparation in advance of actually getting on and doing it. So making sure I had everything in and everything to hand and then double checking was really important, as well as making sure I had suitable boxes to transport them to the venue – which we had arranged to do on the evening of the wedding day.

There was one other thing that I had to do and which was a first for me – and that was to provide the venue with a list of ingredients of each of the cakes. This was quite right and quite sensible and I guess would help protect them from potential litigation had I decided to go on  a mass poisoning spree … not that I did and nor did I have any expectation that my cakes would lead to untimely illness or worse for any of the wedding guests.

I’m delighted to say that the baking and decorating of the cakes all went to plan and there was no major drama. It’s fair to say that I don’t think my husband has ever driven the car so carefully as when we delivered the cakes to the wedding reception venue.

Dropping the cakes at the venue (not literally) and into the cold store was the last I saw of them until we arrived the next day after the church service.

Seeing each of the cakes beautifully displayed on their separate stands was both a relief and a great joy.

Knowing I had made the cakes just how they had wanted was more than enough satisfaction for me.  The compliments from others and seeing how much they were enjoyed by the wedding guests was an absolute bonus … and if I’m honest quite a relief.

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